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2011-11-13 Sun: dear Dave - Beautiful love letter

12.50 pm: "How would I go when the time comes? Would I depart in pain?" seemed to weigh on my mind the past week. It became burdensome as time went on. Well, an interesting episode happened today. While researching short-crust pastry for my food blog I chanced upon this wonderful Christian food blog.  That in turn led to the dear wife Sandra who wrote a moving letter to her deceased husband. Please click on the link to read the lovely letter entitled: Dear Dave.

Dave Bricker, the subject mentioned in the post, passed away a few days earlier on Nov 5, 2011 - just a few days ago when I wrote this post. Funeral service was held on Nov 9, 2011 last week, four days ago.

I was moved when I read Sandra's letter to Dave one week after his funeral. She wrote beautifully. She captured her emotions succinctly and managed to convey them to the reader. I learnt that Dave wanted two things desperately from God: (1) to be spared the agony of the worsening pain of cancer and (2) to die at home. God granted Dave those two gifts: he died at home of a heart attack.

Significance of this episode? Well, the nudge was - it isn't so much that what I dread about and pray for will or won't happen. But more important - that it isn't my place to worry about the future! That's the responsibility of the Lord and I shouldn't be presumptious. Yes, forgive me, Lord, be it according to your Will!