I feel miserable. For the past few days I could not sleep. And the Dexa compounded the problem. I felt like asking God to let me go home. My immunity levels had dropped precipitously as a result of taking the highly toxic navelbine Pill. Consequently sleep had become almost impossible.
"Let me die", I wanted to utter, the pain mercilessly pressing on my cranium. "Never do that" came the thought. "When you talk like that, it's what Satan wants of you - to concede. And when you do what Satan wants, you do not do what God wants. That is sin. When you sin you grieve the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit would depart and your faith would take a few steps back."
Oh, I didn't know. Please forgive me Lord. Thank you for enlightening me. What should I do, Lord? Nudge.
Late that day as I prepared to go to my bed, the nudge "EMR" came again. I went to my PC and googled for EMF. "Oh, I see" as I read the 3-4 articles on EMF thrown up by Google Search. This was what I found:
The Dangers of EMF
Concern over EMFs exploded after Paul Brodeur wrote a series of articles in the New Yorker Magazine in June 1989. Because of Paul Brodeur's reputation, his articles had a catalytic effect on scientists, reporters and concerned people throughout the world.
In November 1989, the Department of Energy reported that "It has now become generally accepted that there are, indeed, biological effects due to field exposure."
The EMF issue gained more publicity in 1990 when alarming reports appeared in Time, the Wall Street Journal, Business Week and popular computer publications. ABC's Ted Koppel and CBS's Dan Rather both aired special segments on EMFs.
EPA Says the Threat Is Real
In a draft report issued in March 1990, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recommended that EMFs be classified as a Class B carcinogen - a "probable" human carcinogen and joined the ranks of formaldehyde, DDT, dioxins and PCBs.
After the EPA draft report was released, utility, military and computer lobbyists came down hard on the EPA. The EPA's final revision did NOT classify EMFs as a Class B carcinogen Rather, the following explanation was added:" At this time such a characterization regarding the link between cancer and exposure to EMFs is not appropriate because the basic nature of the interaction between EMFs and biological processes leading to cancer is not understood."
Curiously, this rather unusual logic appears on the same page as the following: "In conclusion, several studies showing leukemia, lymphoma and cancer of the nervous system in children are supported by similar findings in adults. Several/ occupational studies involving electrical power frequency exposures also show a consistent pattern of response that suggest a causal link. " Source Article Dangers of EMF
Another article highlighted the devices that emit high amount of dangerous EMF in the home: DECT phone, clock-radio, Wi-Fi and cellphones.
That night I unhooked and disconnected the clock radio that was beside my pillow, as well as the batteries in the a/c remote control. And slept.
Wow - I was surprised when I woke. For the first time in many nights I slept 5-6 hrs at one stretch! And it was repeated the following 3 nights. This is no figment of the imagination. It is not a mind trick. It is real. I get to enjoy real sleep and rest. What a difference! I was overjoyed! God had answered my cry for help again! I held back my overflowing tears of relief. "Thank you Lord."
But why only now that you gave me the Nudge, Lord and not before? I was totally immobile, without strength - wretched and miserable. If You had not rescued me I would have collapsed.
"I was there beside you all the time. You only have to pray and ask. That is the condition."
When Satan deems you are too weak to resist, he will go in for the kill. He will not let go, just as in the temptation of Jesus. Or when the Lord, weakened and disheartened in the Garden of Gethsemane, was confronted by Satan in the guise of Peter. Make no mistake friends, Satan is always on the prowl, seeking whom to devour.
Thank you Lord for the enlightenment!
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