my dear Eric
Past 1~2 months I seemed to have weakened quite a bit and in no mood to do anything. I haven't cooked in 2 months plus and you know how much I love to cook to try out new dishes. I also have had to drag my feet to go to SS. Thus I have not visited SS for a long while now. ADD had to go alone each time.
I ate sandwiches most of the time every day - no appetite - and drank Ensure. Sometimes I eat what ADD dished out in order not to upset her. My tummy seemed to be bloated all the time, giving me an uncomfortable feeling whole day long. I'm trying to figure out what is ailing me. Emotionally and mentally I am still the same. Physically I don't think my condition is any worse than before. I think maybe this is a passing phase in my illness - like an eclipse - that will run its course? I hope to get over it soon.
Please check with me once a month by phone or email when you visit Ron. That will spare me the effort to advice you every week or so whether I'm able to welcome visitors or go to see Ron. Making conversation is a drag on my mental faculty now. And writing emails too. For instance, this email took me almost a whole day (it's now 3pm+) before I could push it out - I thought about the email when I first woke up this morn; only finally pushed myself to pen it 30 min ago. You may be surprised such a simple task that took me 1~2 min in the past when my health was excellent is now a burden for me! This didn't happen overnight but is a progression that gets worse over time. When you see our siblings pl don't tell them my present condition bcoz if they visit me I would be unable/unwilling to accommodate them and that will put a heavy burden on my heart.
Anyway, I take it in my stride whatever comes my way and have no complaints. But I need to tell you so you don't have to worry or be burdened over me. Whatever happens I am in God's hand and I have no worries. Thank you as always for your help.
Keeping you and Olive in my prayers,
PS: You know, I have started to journalize on my blog (selected) emails such as this - edited for clarity, errors and corrections. My blog entries don't divulge personal info that is P&C to protect each individual & respective identities on the Net. I use only nick and first name omitting title (depending on the context), surname, and any personal info such as occupation, location, etc that could be used to identify respondents. That will go someway to mitigate the effort of third parties - hackers, scammers and data-mining cookies - to steal personal info and data for malicious intent.
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